艾一乐从事服装订做,主要定做t恤衫,POLO衫,工作服,衬衫,卫衣,冲锋衣,抓绒衣,风衣夹克,防寒服,衬衣,棒球帽,文化衫,棉服箱包等产品.为了保障客户的利益,我们提 供售前、售中、售后一条龙的跟踪服务,设立的客户设计师和专门的服务热线,随时 接受咨询和预约服务:设计、协助选料、量体裁衣、送货到家、协助发放,我们 一直一的服务赢得广大客户的青睐.
团体服饰订制,精做基本款,追求品质、较优价格,提供印花、绣花增值服务,穿 着舒适的服装,选择轻松自在地生活,艾一乐适合每一个人!,穿上工服去约会,完美诠释企 业精神,艾一乐凝聚力量.
The T-shirt is "name" T-shirt "," T "-shirt retained English" sound. However, this English hybrids vocabulary doesn't sound so exotic. Perhaps because of T-shirts to deep into the daily life of the people, for the It is quite common for things people often easy to ignore, gently remind one, then became the original hidden in simple side the story in the object is such great fun. It is said that the world has annual sales of billions of pieces, constitute the world's most popular, the most number of clothing and jeans wear.