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您好! 乐清市红烨通讯有限公司是从事锌合金和铝合金压铸生产,铸件加工,压铸模具开发与设计以及压铸件成品组装等。公司产品主要涉及有通讯传输设备、电子电器配件、乐器配件、五金锁具、卫浴配件、喷涂工具配件、塑料件等 。 公司总部设在乐清市虹桥镇龙坦村田洋路224号,近临104国道、距温州港20公里、温州机场80公里。海陆空交通便利。公司占地面积1000多平方米,注册资本5000,000。我们积累了20年多年的压铸经验,拥有的技术人才和熟练的员工队伍。目前拥有压铸机共6台,分别是江苏华晨140T卧式冷式压铸机1台,江苏华晨280T卧式冷式压铸机1台,香港兴业250T热室压铸机1台, 香港兴业180T热室压铸机1台,宁波东方100T热室压铸机 1台,宁波东方25T热室压铸机1台。每月产量可达150吨以上。 乐清市红烨通讯有限公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。乐清市红烨通讯有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。公司崇尚以质量求生存,以信誉求发展的办厂方针,竭诚为新老客户提供价廉物美的产品及完羡的服务。欢迎各界朋友莅临乐清市红烨通讯有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。 乐清市红烨通讯有限公司 联 系 人:洪汉炎 13806551891 联系电话:0577-61312672 传 真: 0577-62329859 E-mail: a13505873059@163.com 网 址 :http://lqhytx.cn.alibaba.com Yueqing City Hong Ye Communications Co., Ltd. is specialized in the production of zinc alloy and aluminum die casting, casting machining, die casting mold development and design, and die casting product assembly. Our main products involving communications transmission equipment, electronic accessories, musical instruments, accessories, hardware locks, bathroom accessories, paint tool accessories, plastic parts. Headquartered in Hongqiao Town, Yueqing City, Ocean Road, No. 224 Murata Tanzania, near to 104 national highway, 20 kilometers from Wenzhou port and Wenzhou airport, 80 km. Convenient transportation. Company covers an area of 1,000 square meters, registered capital 5000,000. We have accumulated many years of casting experience of 20 years, with professional and technical personnel and skilled workforce. Currently has a total of 6 sets of die-casting machine, namely Jiangsu Brilliance 140T cooled horizontal casting machine 1, Jiangsu Brilliance 280T cooled horizontal casting machine 1, HKR 250T hot chamber die casting machine 1, HKR 180T hot chamber die casting machine 1, the Ningbo Eastern 100T hot chamber die casting machine 1, the Ningbo Eastern 25T hot chamber die casting machine 1. Yield up to 150 tons per month, Yueqing City, Red Ye Communications Limited has a complete and scientific quality management system. Hong Ye Communications Co., Ltd. Yueqing integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. Company advocating the quality of survival, reputation and set up factories in the development of policy and dedication to new and old customers affordable products and services complete envy. Welcome friends from all Red Ye Communications Co., Ltd. Yueqing visit, guidance and business negotiation. Hong Ye Communications Co., Ltd. Yueqing Contact: Han-yan 13806551891 Tel :0577-61312672 Fax: 0577-62329859 E-mail: a13505873059@163.com Website: http://lqhytx.cn.alibaba.com